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MVCSD News A Helping Hand, by Lane Coyle

Lane Coyle
Comp. 1
Observation 2
A Helping Hand

As I round the corner to enter Mrs. Bonert’s third grade classroom full of students eager
to learn. I get excited at the fact that I will get to work with so many different students. Some of
these students have imaginations that are out of this world, while others can read a book faster
than I can. All of them have talents and uniqueness that make them who they truly are. While all
of these students have many talents, they also have many subjects and issues that they struggle
with. Which is where I play a role. I am the one who can help engage in the students needs.
Mason states that the teacher assistant “helps with spelling stuff, when we can’t be with the
teacher when she is with other people.” Many other students talked about how the teacher
assistant helps with math, looking up words, and just helping out around the room. Mrs. Bonert
passionately states, “ I love seeing the relationship between you and the students.”

I enter the classroom at many different times of the day including: third hour, fifth hour,
seventh hour, and even sometimes during WIN time. Each entrance to the classroom involves the
students working in a variety of subjects. During third hour the students work with Mrs. Bonert
to improve their math skills. I wander around the room looking over the students shoulders to see
how they are doing. I start to learn what subjects they are good at and where they begin to
struggle. While some need help reading the math problems, others need to just slow down and
think about what the question is asking. Other days during third hour, some of the students take
tests and need help reading their math problems.

As my fourth hour class finishes up, I start to head over to the elementary to help out the
students. During this time the students are usually working independently. This is also a time
when students are unable to get help. Mrs. Bonert has small groups at the horseshoe table. This is
a time where students try to be problem solver and ask three people before asking Mrs. Bonert. I
am someone the students are allowed to ask their questions to before asking Mrs Bonert. I get
asked a variety of questions including how to spell a word, how to put an image on a doc, along
with many other complications they may come across.

During seventh hour I walk in and take a seat in Mrs. Bonerts spinny chair. The students
listen in as Mrs Bonert reads a few chapters aloud. I observe that the students love to listen to the
story being read aloud. They laugh, ask questions, and use context clues to make observations
about the story. Then the students spread out around the room and have read to self time. I get to
go around and have students quietly read aloud their books to me. Many times I am amazed at
how well some of the students can comprehend a story. For many, I only have to help with a few

Mrs. Bonert enthusiastically states, “ They love having you over here. When you don’t
come they they ask where Lane is.” I have learned how much of an impact a teacher’s assistants
truly has on a student. I have loved bonding with the students and making many different
connections with each student. As a teacher’s assistant I feel as if I need to get to know each
student for who they are. I try to help students get out of their shell, and have a little fun while
doing it. The students also love getting to know who I am. They ask many questions about my
life, high school, and just anything other questions that their minds wonder about.
Not only do I help students in various areas, they also teach me many things. I have
learned that as the years go on things change. When I was in third grade I was told to use flash
cards for math to help memorize the multiplication problems. Now, they use something called
grouping. They believe this way the student actually understands how they are getting the answer
instead of just memorizing it. I have learned that each and every student has different needs and
struggles. I have learned to slow down and think about how to be a better problem solver and to
not get so stressed out!

I have enjoyed every minute of my job as a teacher’s assistant. I have gotten to meet new
kids along with ones I already knew. The students begged me to go out to recess with them,
while I haven’t had recess since fourth grade. As I went out to recess I had a lot of fun, it brought
back many memories I had from when I was younger. I also got pelted by a basketball in the
face. Going to recess taught me to never forget the memories you have made. Just like I will
never forget the memories I have had and will have with Mrs. Bonerts 2018-19 third grade class.