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MVCSD News Physical Activity – Easier Than You Think!

Being physically active is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Just 30 minutes per day for adults and 60 minutes per day for children is all it takes. Does that sound too difficult? Well, it’s easier than you may think. Here is how I got started and have stayed committed for over three years.

When I turned in my resignation for coaching Speech, Mr. Tuetken came and asked if I would be willing to organize something, fitness related, for our staff. I had recently been to a boot-camp workout session. I began to wonder, could I continue to do this type of workout with staff? Where would we have it, what would be the hours, who would come, how would I promote it, and how would I figure out the routines to do every day?

I knew that another coworker attended this type of workout in Manchester. I had many questions, so of course I sought out information from her and others who were actively doing this kind of workout plan as well as from the internet. I had yet to publicize that we’d be starting this when a couple of staff came to me and said they would be interested, and so our story began September 2015.

Since that time, 7 people have been dedicated to weekly attendance since that first early September morning. Along the way, some have come and gone and come back again. Others have just come and gone. There is always room for newcomers, no matter their current fitness level. This is open to any and all staff at Maquoketa Valley.

The group that I lead meets M-W in Delhi, T-Th in Hopkinton, and we rotate every other Friday. Each class is from 5:30-6:30 AM. Not a morning person? No problem. Another teacher leads a class in Hopkinton M-Th afternoons from 4-5. Also, Erika Imler has a store front fitness establishment called HIKE. This is in Delhi and she has AM and PM class times.

Another great feature at Maquoketa Valley is the new fitness room, located on the northeast corner of the high school’s new addition. Treadmills, elliptical, a punching bag, free weights and open space to do yoga are available. The fitness room is open weekdays 5-7:30 AM and 4-9 PM to the public and staff. If you are interested in gaining access to fitness room, please contact Pam Overman via e-mail or phone (pamoverman@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us/ 563-922-2091) and set up a time to do this. There is a $10 fee. So, there really is no reason for you to not get active. There’s so many options.

Fitness is so important for heart health, positive mental outlook, disease prevention, and general well-being. If you have questions, please feel free to check in with me: office # 563-922-9411 or e-mail maryries@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us. It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself.